Template Library and stock Templates

Our Template Library is where the 50+ stock templates created by our clinical team and expert partners are held

We recommend getting familiar with Kiroku by trying out some of the customisable stock templates in our Template Library.

You can search the Template Library using keywords in the template title.

This will get you used to the unique features that make Kiroku’s notes such a whizz to write.

Adding stock templates

Adding stock templates could not be simpler!

Any template that is not in your dashboard will have a green ‘Add template’ button. You'll also see that some of our stock Note templates have a "Docs attached" label. To use Docs, you need to be on our Pro plan.

Once you have added a stock template, it lives in your dashboard. Click on it to start using the template.

Re-adding stock templates

If you have previously added one of our stock templates, you can also re-add it.

You may want to do this where you made changes to the stock template, or if you want to get the latest version (our stock templates get updated regularly!).

We will prompt you to tweak the name of any re-added templates so you can easily identify them.


We recommend naming custom or tweaked templates in an easily identifiable way so that you don't accidentally delete them.

A template deleted from your dashboard can't be recovered!

Customising stock templates

All of our stock templates are completely customisable - so you can make any edits you need so that they better suit your workflow. 
They also include linked lines and blocks - a great way to experience the power of Kiroku. And a great way to get familiar with our Template editing tools. 

If you like the majority of a stock template but want to make some tweaks, simply edit the template. Find detailed instructions here.

You can remove any areas you don't want to keep or add new details.