Upload your own templates for us to convert

If you're happy with your own templates, send them to us and we'll convert them for you.

Kiroku's clickable templates make documentation easy!

If you're already happy with your own templates and just want to be able to use them inside Kiroku - we've got your back.

Visit the Upload Template page to drag and drop or find the relevant file from your browser.


Your template should be uploaded as a text file (.txt, .doc or .docx format).

If you are struggling to convert your files to one of these formats you can also email them to us at support@trykiroku.com

Our clinical team will then rebuild your template inside Kiroku and be in touch with you throughout the process until you're satisfied.

If you're on your free trial, you will only be able to upload a maximum of two templates. We recommend you do this towards the start of your trial so you can experience the difference between how you normally write your notes vs using Kiroku!