Taking Notes using Kiroku Templates

Once you're happy with your Templates, you can use them to take faster, more personalised Notes.

The process for taking Notes using Kiroku Templates is easy:

  1. Pick your template
  2. Populate your Notes
  3. Copy your Notes
  4. Convert your Notes to Docs (optional!)

Pick your template

Once you’ve added some stock Templates from our library or created your own, your Note Templates live on your Note dashboard.

Simply click the relevant Note Template from your dashboard to use it. This will open the Note Writer screen.

Modern look

Don’t worry if you realise something is missing as you get into your notes - we’ve got a fix for that!

Populate your notes

Kiroku’s Note Templates make note-taking as simple as clicking a few buttons and typing only what you need to. You can also complete notes in any order, although most users like to optimise their templates to act as a linear workflow.


Any empty text fields will have greyed out text and say ‘Enter notes here…’. Just click and start typing!


Made a mistake? Don’t worry, you can undo anything you typed from the ribbon at the top of the note template.

You can always add new lines of notes and rearrange where they are - just hover over the line and use the drag to re-order option.

You can also still free-type anywhere - simply click to start typing.

You can also delete any lines of your notes that are not relevant. Just hover over the line and click the ‘Delete line’ option.


The rest of your note-taking will mainly rely on clicking the button options built into your template. There is a range of different buttons:

  • Button groups - these appear on one line and allow you to pick one option

  • Multiselect - these appear as a pop-up and you can pick as many options as are relevant

  • Drop-downs - these appear as a dropdown and allow you to pick one option
  • Selectors - these allow you to pick from graphical charts and have an accompanying button that outputs the chosen option(s).

Skip remaining lines

There are times when all of the lines in your template might not be relevant. Instead of deleting each line at a time, you can use the 'Skip remaining lines' button to do just that!

Hover over the bottom right-hand side of a section that contains lines to remove. This will bring up the 'Skip remaining lines' button and highlight in blue the lines to be removed from your notes.

Simply click to accept and watch them disappear! The lines in your section will then collapse, letting you easily see a completed section.


Check out the rest of our Notes articles to see other features within the Note Writing screen that can supercharge your note-writing process!

Finishing notes later

If you're not able to complete the notes for an appointment at that moment, you can also 'Save to drafts'. Drafts are accessible from the sidebar or by clicking the 'View drafts' button within your notes editor. This will open a new tab with your drafts.

You can then access these drafts again at any time. You can search for saved drafts by the patient's initials or template name. Simply click back in to pick up where you left off.

Copying notes / completing your appointment

Once your appointment notes are complete, click the ‘Copy notes’ button at the top right of the notes screen or after the 'End of notes' message.

Here you can preview your note and access your templates, drafts and auto-saved notes.


This will copy the notes to your clipboard, so you can paste them into your clinical software. The button will change to 'Copied!' so this is clear.

Make sure you paste your notes into the relevant place once you have copied your notes.

You can also copy individual sections of your notes by using the 'Copy section' button at the top of each section. Again, the button will change to 'Section copied' so this is clear.

If there are any un-clicked buttons or empty lines in your template, a warning will appear when you click the 'Copy notes' button. You can use the 'Skip remaining lines' option in each section to remove any unwanted lines.

Starting your next appointment

Once you’ve copied your notes, the template picker in the top left-hand corner will change.  From here, you can pick the template for your next appointment without going back to the dashboard.

Alternatively, you can also preview your notes and pick the template for your next appointment from the end zone of the Note Writing screen.

Convert your Notes to Docs

If your Notes template has Docs templates associated, you can quickly convert your Kiroku Notes into Docs.

Find out more about Kiroku Docs.