Saved drafts and autosaved backups

As a busy professional, getting interrupted is common. That's why we built drafts for your Notes.

Your 'Drafts' are accessible from the Kiroku sidebar as well as the Note Writer view.

There are two kinds of drafts, each timestamped with the date and time they were last used.

If you delete a draft, you can’t retrieve it. That’s why we always ask you to confirm before deleting.

Saved drafts

Saved drafts allow you to record the patient’s initials alongside the reason your appointment notes are in draft form.

Your appointment may be Incomplete (e.g. you had to stop for a reason) or Waiting (in which case we suggest you leave a note for why).

To do this, click on 'Save to drafts' in the top right corner. Assign the patient's initials to the template you've been working on during your appointment.

Once you’ve selected whether to save your draft as ‘Incomplete’ or ‘Waiting’ you can click ‘Save’. You can then open up a fresh template for the next patient.

You can then access these drafts again at any time. You can search for saved drafts by the patient's initials or template name. Simply click back in to pick up where you left off.

Once you start an appointment by picking a template, any notes that you complete will be saved periodically. This is signalled in the top left-hand corner by a small watch symbol followed by the time the template was saved.

Autosaved Backups

Once you start an appointment by picking a template, any notes that you complete will be saved periodically. This is signalled in the top left-hand corner by a small watch symbol followed by the time the template was saved.

This is an autosaved backup. If for whatever reason you need to step away from your screen or start a new appointment, you can do so.

Go to your Drafts folder later and jump back in. The notes that you started earlier will be there.

Autosaved backups have no expiry period so it might be wise to delete autosaves every so often. They are also only identifiable by the template name, which can be searched for.

That’s why we recommend that you ‘Save to drafts’ instead.

Deleting drafts and backups

Both kinds of drafts can be easily deleted - hover over the draft and a red cross appears on the left side.

You will need to confirm before deleting drafts. Deleted drafts cannot be undone.