AI Audits

Kiroku offers AI Audits on our exam templates in line with CGDent Clinical Examination and Record Keeping criteria.

Kiroku’s AI Audits have been added automatically to the following stock templates in our Library:

- Comprehensive Exam
- Basic Exam
- NHS Exam

How to use Audits:

Auditing your notes is no additional work. When you click the “Copy Notes” button, you’ll see a pop-up appear just under the copy button.

The audit will give you a score, and if the score is less than 100% it will point out which data is missing against the set criteria.


If your audit score doesn’t appear when you click “Copy Notes” you may be using a previous version of your stock template which doesn’t have an audit attached. You can either get in touch with us and we can add the audit to your template (advised if you have made edits to your template), or you can download the stock template from the library again.‍

If you want to improve your score, remember that you can type information directly into your notes, or add existing sections from your library using the “Add Section” button. If your notes aren’t finished, save them as a Draft and come back to them later. You can still audit your notes when you start from a draft.

CGDent Audit Criteria

Our current AI Audits follow the “Basic” audit criteria set out by CGDent’s Clinical Examination and Record Keeping: Good Practice Guidelines (formerly FGDP):

  • Medical History: New form completed or updated
  • Socio-behavioural History: Smoking; Alcohol consumption
  • Previous Dental History: Oral hygiene routine; Anxiety
  • Factors Affecting Appointment: Reason(s) for attendance
  • Extra-oral Examination: Face, Head; Neck; TMJ
  • Intra-oral Soft Tissue Examination
  • Intra-oral Hard Tissue: Charting of teeth present; Existing restorations; BPE; Caries; Defective restorations; Occlusions

A patient’s personal information (e.g. name, address, date of birth etc) is not routinely captured in notes written using Kiroku and so is not covered by our CGDent AI Audit criteria. This information should be stored in your practice management system with appropriate security, in line with data protection standards.

Our CGDent AI Criteria also does not include Chewing unrestricted and Restorative procedures as it is unlikely that these topics would be covered as part of a basic or NHS exam. However, if you would like these to be included as part of your audit criteria, please reach out to us and we can add these in for you.