Re-add Note templates to use stock Docs
If you're familiar with Notes and want to use our stock Docs, here's what to do.
Welcome to Docs! You're about to enjoy writing letters (yes, really!).
Here's how to get started quickly with our stock Docs (pre-made document templates, lovingly created by the Kiroku team)
If you're brand new to Kiroku you won't need to do these steps!
If you've already got Kiroku Note templates and you want to get started with Docs quickly, keep reading!
1. Download the latest Note templates
All of our stock Note templates have had a refresh! ✨
- Improvements to the content
- Include Universal Blocks
- Optimised for use with Docs
Anyone can take advantage of our updated stock Note templates, including members who have downloaded the template in the past.
If you already have a template with the same name, you can still redownload the template. Simply use our "Add again" feature to download a new version of the stock Note template.
You'll be prompted to rename your newly re-downloaded templates so you don't get mixed up with the old ones.
Any templates you 'add again' will not include any edits you have made.
Add your templates one by one - you'll be prompted to complete information that will populate the relevant Universal Block(s).
New templates will be added to the top of your dashboard with an "updated" tag.
2. Complete your Notes template as normal
You can now use this new Note template as you normally would!
If you are on our Pro plan, with access to Kiroku Docs, then at the bottom of the Note Writing screen you'll find the available Doc templates associated with this Note template.
3. Generate your Doc 
Kiroku Docs is only available on our Pro plan. Click here to view your current plan and upgrade.
Simply click on the Doc template to generate your Doc!
Add in any required patient variables and make any tweaks to your document on the left-hand side, while referencing your Note on the right-hand side.
Want to find out what more you can do with Docs? Check out all of our Docs articles!
If you have any problems or questions please in touch with us:
- Send us a live chat within Kiroku
- Complete the 'Contact us' form
- Send us an email