1. Kiroku Help
  2. Notes
  3. Editing Note Templates

Guide to the Notes Template Editor Interface

The image below shows the Notes Template Editor.

  • Along the top are editing-related options.
    The name of the template you’re editing, the editor's look, the option to copy from another section, filter your view, see our tutorials or preview your template. This is also where you will be able to undo and redo any edits you make.

  • Along the left are blocks.
    These different interactive elements make up your templates. 

  • Along the bottom is navigation.
    Use this to jump to different sections of your template (faster than scrolling!)

  • On the main screen is your template.
    You can see the blocks that make up your lines, and the section that group your lines together. You can also see which lines are created by links, and which buttons trigger new lines.

Your template will save as you go
. You can see when it was last saved just below the name of the template on the upper left-hand side.

You can also see and revert back to previous versions of your template under the 'Template options' button.

It can help to preview your template as you build it, so you see if it works as you're expecting it to.